Sunday 11 April 2010


This post is a direct result to the amazing day out with my family today. We went to an amazing Brazilian restaurant that I was introduced to a few years ago when my Auntie Flavia suggested we go there, by doing so I have experienced twice the amazing food, service and culture of the Brazilian meat feast.

The restaurant is in London and in a very nice part of town, no dodgy roulette backstreets or anything of the sort. The restaurant is called ‘Rodizio Rico’ ( The outside is pleasant and just standing at the door you begin to salivate. Once you are seated you are explained the way in which the system works, you can order a plate of something or go for the restaurants speciality, skewers. What happens is they come around with skewers of different meats and such, you have a circular card that has yes on one side and no on the other, if you have it on yes they will ask who would like more meat, they carve it onto your plate and if you want vegetables and salad then you go up to the lavish salad bar in the central area of the restaurant.

This idea is right up my alley, I love my meat, I love even more an unlimited supply of meat. With meats from lamb cooked to perfection (slightly pink in the middle) to red and rare rump steak, it is the place for a carnivore to meet other such like minded people.

Me being a carnivore to the core, my plate slowly begins to look like a ploughed graveyard with a side order of corpse. Any meat that doesn’t peak my interest I either don’t ask for or leave in the centre of the table where other carnivores can rip it to shreds, what can I say, it’s like a food bonding experience.

I leave feeling full and of course like a gluttonous T-rex, I get home and plonk myself upon my bed or sofa and watch some television like the good slob I am. I f you want a mental image of this please read on.

Gluttony is the feeling that can consume you that makes you desire to eat more than that which you need. A great deal of information lies around the internet and in books about one of the seven deadly sins which is gluttony, featuring tales of gluttons all around the world, many stories find their rots around rich and well off kingdoms that have a gluttonous king who can never be satisfied until people serve him his just deserts.

Personally when faced with a mountain of meat I demolish it, no two ways about it. Anyone who watches is stunned by the abilities of my stomach and my metabolism to clear space for such a great deal red meat and for that I am glad because the next day I always feel amazing. The rush of either protein or the feeling of fulfilment keeps me wanting to do it every few weeks. When the food is that good as well, it’s not very difficult to see why Kings and such like would take a fancy to a banquet and eat more than their fair share.

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