Sunday 2 May 2010

Bad Comedians

Comedy is something that has existed for, well, ages, I mean it must have. How would someone have reacted to a caveman lighting his beard on fire when fire was first discovered? I bet there were a few cavemen and cavewomen who saw the spectacle and chuckled to themselves, before eventually setting themselves on fire like the daft old things that they are.

Comedy must have existed back then, the ability to laugh at another’s misfortune is keyed into our minds and it just has to be done sometimes, sure it’s mean and sometimes inappropriate but what isn’t nowadays?

The lecture gave me many ideas, however after the lecture finished I ended up condensing them into a single idea. I have noticed through many years of watching comedy pieces and then watching people’s reactions to said pieces, that something is only offensive/funny if it is said by the wrong/right person.

Now take for example an openly sexist joke towards women, a man would laugh no matter what, it lets them have a laugh at their other half’s expense, the woman however would only ever laugh at the joke if it is said by another woman. The same works in vice versa when it comes to jokes where the male is the butt of the joke, said by a woman the women laugh but the men feel threatened, when said by a man however both genders will begin to laugh.

This is the same case when it comes to the ‘N’ word, yes I’m talking about the word Nigger. Indeed I just said it (typed it whatever). Now this is seen as taboo even though I don’t mean it derogatively and if a black person heard me say it they would go on the attack? Why? Especially when a black man will greet another with the word Nigger and that is seen as being perfectly normal. Is that not racism and inequality?

Back a little on topic about comedians however, I would like to make a very quick and simple comment, if you are going to go and see a comedian live you should be prepared for their act, whatever their act is. Be it openly racist, toilet humour r otherwise, it’s not their fault that you have no sense of humour and don’t realise they do what they do for money and say what they say in jest.

A few thoughts on the word nigger by some random dude, his thoughts resonate with me (a little)

A debate on the word Nigger,_use_of_the_word

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