Sunday 2 May 2010

Comments and Responces 9

In responce to her blog post on Abortion

Indeed the picture of the 8 week old aborted fetus is very disturbing. I came to that blog post ready to lightly defend abortion as I felt your post would be purely based upon the negatives, hwever I was met with a truly balanced post which was a welcome discovery.

I have a very weak view to abortion when it comes down to it as there are a lot of reasons for abortion in my mind. From realising late that you are pregnant to realising that you cannot give the child a good life nor can you get on with your own life if you have a child at that time.

However abortion at such a late time feels far too wrong, as you said with your birth at 30 weeks that is a mere 6 weeks more than the foetus shown in your photo.

In the end though it falls with the one who is pregnant as another child being born into this world to a family who won't love it isn't a good thing at all.

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