Sunday 4 April 2010

Alcohol and Bingeing

Pretty much everyone has abused or at least tried some sort of a alcoholic beverage through their life, many of you will have done a lot more with alcohol than just try however. Those people are the future!

This post goes out to all of you who have:

1) Drunk so much you threw up

2) Drunk so much you forgot where you were

3) Drunk so much you forgot who you were

4) Drunk so much you thought why you were

5) Drunk so much you took something home you shouldn’t (other sex, same sex or just a cone or sign)

6) Oh and to students in general as ‘all of the above’ applies
Now drink is a great thing, gives you that extra edge of confidence, helps you see things in a whole other light (see LSD with government control), alcohol can even help you to increase your group of friends.

Let’s face it, alcohol is good. Even big medical professionals agree with me, in moderation (what’s this?) alcohol can be both beneficial and essential to keep your body healthy and promote a good heart.

Well, now everyone who has spent a night on the drink will have felt the after effects, some more than others. The acheing head, the random cuts and bruises that you were sure you never actually got but somehow have, the five numbers on your phone that weren’t there before and finally the best of all the random photos on both facebook and your phone showing how amazingly you composed yourself over the night.

Other than the photos the bad feeling can be explained very easily. Alcohol dehydrates you, so if you do not rehydrate before you go to sleep you will wake up with a headache as your body lacks water. So I’m going to tell you how to avoid having a headache for most nights, very easy.
Here are the steps I follow and they seem to work:

1) When you get in check that there is nothing on your bed, or next to your bed that is sharp or otherwise irritating as during your sleep you will either wake and not be able to get back to sleep or you will get annoyed and just break it. I did just this with glasses and dvd box.

2) Secondly you will want to drink as much water as you can possibly drink, seeing as you have been drinking the whole night this shouldn’t be too hard. Normally 2 pints is enough but more the better.

3) Thirdly you will want to take two paracetamol tablets and crawl into bed. Have a nice sleep and hopefully wake up for lectures the next day without a hangover.
I’ll close off this post with my personal favourites. If your reading this why don’t you comment with yours too.

Now generally I’m a whiskey man, Jack Daniels gets me through the night, he’s usually accompanied by a few vodka mixed things.

Well that’s it from me today.

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